o Alex ain’t that 101 tips we already have learned from kinder garden? That’s true, but many don’t know the difference between all those common fabrics. Funny is that most men wear same suit in all periods. WHUT? Have a look, they don’t wear the appropriate suit for the period they are in. Where it all begins, most used, most common Let’s kick off with the most common one ‘wool’, you can wear

ow can we define ‘business casual’? I wouldn’t have said it better than GQ “Whether it’s a suit dressed down with a simple T-shirt or a nice sweater and a pair of chinos, ultimately classic, comfortable but also clean-cut enough for HR approval. Too Casual, not good! It’s totally true! Imagine for a moment that the company you work for has a casual dress code. There is always a time that the company

hy would I think about a hair laser remover? Hair grows you know. While we men grow older, we have to take care of certain things. I’m not talking about responsibilities in life! It’s about taking care of yourself. Grooming is essential, but with time you you care less about it. Some parts get out of control other will get you irritated. The way out may be this hair laser removing

oman want to look older when they are young and young when they are old. That’s no secret! But we, the men, we only look older as time passes. One this is for sure, we want to make the most of our life that's why we hustle and grind so much for that dollar bill. There is a negative point to it, as the mind keeps us young but the body

ow is it possible to make a stylish difference when everyone can walk into a Gucci or a Versace store? Tailor boutique is the answer. Some tailor will have almost everything you'll need. If they're up-to-date, you will be dressed like nobody else. He has everything to make you stand out wherever you may go. Remember he's your personal friend, almost like your BFF but for clothing. Credits to mwengo.org Details will be